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How do I fix Google Fit syncing?

First, verify your activity is being tracked correctly in Google Fit.

  1. Open the Google Fit app.
  2. Go to Profile > Settings ⚙(top right) > scroll down to Google Fit data.
  3. Make sure “Tracking activity metrics” is on.

Next, make sure you are signed in to Google Fit with the same email address used to link your Google Fit account to Qantas Wellbeing.

  1. Open the Google Fit app and go to your Profile.
  2. Make a note of which email address is currently being used. This is your 'ACTIVE ACCOUNT'.
  3. Tap Settings ⚙
  4. Scroll down to Google Fit data and tap Manage connected apps. Look under Google Fit apps and devices.
    1. If you see the Wellbeing App, then it is properly connected and you can skip the following steps in this section.
    2. If you do not see the Wellbeing App, then it is not connected. This can occur if you disconnect Qantas Wellbeing or have a different Google Fit account connected. Read on to resolve this problem.
  5. While still on the Connected apps page, tap the email address at the top.
  6. If there are more email addresses in the list, tap on the email address, tap on Wellbeing App, and tap DISCONNECT.
  7. Repeat the process until all google accounts are disconnected.

Finally, reconnect to Google Fit through the Wellbeing App.

  1. Now, open the Wellbeing App and go to Profile > Settings⚙ > Data Sources > Google Fit > More (the three dots in top right) > Disconnect Google Fit
  2. Tap the 
  3. Choose your Google Fit account. Make sure the account you choose is the same 'ACTIVE ACCOUNT' you saw in the Google Fit app.
  4. Allow the Wellbeing App permission to view your activity information in Google Fit. For cycling, this will also include location information recorded by the Google Fit App.
  5. To track any further activities, tap the  button beside your chosen activity and allow the requested permissions.
  6. Tap on the Challenges Tab to view your updated goals.

If you are still experiencing issues syncing data, please contact support.

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