All Categories ​>​ ​Car Insurance ​ > ​ ​Making a claim ​>​ I’ve had an accident - what do I do now?

I’ve had an accident - what do I do now?

The first step is to lodge your claim and then we’ll assess your car’s damage and then arrange for it to be repaired. Qantas Car Insurance has a network of over 150 repairers who can do this, as well as seven dedicated assessment centres across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

If we can’t find a repairer or assessment centre near you, you can take your car to a local repairer for a quote. Or, if you have selected the ‘Choice of Repairer’ option on your Comprehensive Insurance policy, you can take your car to your own repairer for assessment. Please refer to your PDS for further information.

If your car isn’t driveable and you can’t get it to a repairer or assessor, don’t worry. Just give us a call on 13 49 60 and we can arrange for it to be towed to a safe location for assessment.

It’s important to note that if you are a resident of Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Geelong or Adelaide, you are required by law to call an allocation centre or centralised operator who will arrange a tow on your behalf.

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