All Categories ​>​ ​Car Insurance ​ > ​ ​The Basics ​>​ What is “Your duty not to make a misrepresentation”?

What is “Your duty not to make a misrepresentation”?

What you need to tell us

We will ask you questions:

  • when you apply for insurance
  • before we agree to renew, extend, vary or reinstate your policy.

Your answers will help us decide whether to insure you, and on what terms. Each question we ask you is important. Please answer each one fully, accurately and honestly.

Your duty to us

You have a legal duty under the Insurance Contracts Act to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. This duty first arises when you enter into an insurance contract with us.

Before we agree to renew, extend, vary or reinstate your policy, we may remind you of your previous answers to our questions. Your duty extends to telling us whether any of this information has changed.

The information you give helps us decide whether to insure you, and on what terms.  Each question we ask you is important. Please answer each one fully, accurately and honestly.

Failing in your duty can seriously affect your cover

If you fail in your duty, where permitted by law, we may do either or both of these:

  • cancel your policy
  • reduce the amount we pay you if you make a claim.

 If your failure is fraudulent, we may refuse to pay a claim and treat the policy as if it never existed.

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