All Categories ​>​ ​Travel Insurance ​ > ​ ​Travelling when warnings are in place ​>​ If the government issues a ‘Do not travel’ warning for my destination while I’m there, will I be covered?

If the government issues a ‘Do not travel’ warning for my destination while I’m there, will I be covered?

If your Destination is upgraded to a ‘Level 4 – Do not travel’ advisory when you are in such Destination, all policy benefits will apply provided that you try and leave that Destination as soon after you become aware of the upgrade. 

If you are stuck overseas and unable to leave a country or region where a ‘Do Not Travel’ warning has been issued and you need assistance, you can contact our Emergency Assistance team. 

Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for all policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions.

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