All Categories ​>​ ​Health Insurance ​ > ​ ​Flood Disaster Relief package 2022 ​>​ Am I eligible for the Flood Disaster Relief Package?

Am I eligible for the Flood Disaster Relief Package?

The Flood Disaster Relief Package will be available* to Qantas Health Insurance members who:

1) are an eligible Qantas Health Insurance member** before 4 March 2022;

2) reside within a Local-Government Area (LGA) in south-east QLD and northern NSW that has been declared a natural disaster zone; and

3) are receiving the Australian Government Disaster Recover Payment or the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Allowance.

*Members must apply by 30 April 2022.

**Eligible Qantas Health Insurance members include Australian Residents Health Insurance members. Some international members are eligible for the premium waiver only, however proof of financial impact may be required.

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